Etowah Lions Services, Inc

28 Ridgeway Ave (Physical) P. O. Box 234 (Mailing) Etowah, North Carolina 28729 Text: 828-388-2573 tele: 828-891-3071 email:
© 2024-25 Etowah Lions Services, Inc 
Etowah Lions
Household Waste removal Commercial Dumpster Service Recycling pick up  Recycling drop off Aluminum Cans only (clients only) International Association of Lions Club Owned and operated by Etowah Lions Club Services, Inc

Delays and announcements are on the News page


Office -  Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5 PM Except on holidays (Email 24-7 inquiries will be addressed,  text requests during normal business hours only) Trash & Recycling Pick Up -  Monday - Thursday from 06:30AM until it is done except when we are on holiday schedule. 
Please use the service request for new service.  It is assumed that you want our service when you use this form.  If you just have a question use the inquiry form.  Using these forms infers that you will respond when we email.  If you would prefer we call you please tell us that and we will. Email will get you a quicker response if we are busy. We make it easy to get ahold of us.